cool cat homepage
bobcats endangered speceis
At the cool cat zoo we have
all tybes of endzgered cats
including all subspecies of
jaguars,leopards,and bobcats.

linos were abouts
the cool cat zoo is located on
an island in the flordia keys.
we have an 265 a.of land.
in the zoo itself there are
sevrale areas including
an area for locale
cats big cats and
littel cats.
there is also an info center in the center of it all
tigers info
we hide the food for are animales
the have toys to play with and
hiding spots if they don't want to be seen
we also have a friendly staff
complet with vets.
so they can stay as naturale
as posible we let them raise there own
young but we will led a hand if necasery
so come see us.
(not a real zoo)
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